
Metalman Equinox, Wheat Lager - Big Shoes To Fill.

Metalman Equinox - Does the Wheat Lager match up to their Pale Ale?

Craft-beers are a dime a dozen these days, so when looking to move away from the safe favourites I usually need something standing out to grab my attention. Well, enter Metalman Equinox. The Irish brewing company recently released their rage of beers in cans - so that was enough for me to chose Equinox as my latest victim.

Metalman Equinox has a lot to live up to, the pale ale - with which it shares its Christian name with - is my drink of choice when it comes to the end of week social in the local pub. On paper though there is no reason why Equinox can't dethrone its brother from my weekly tradition. Not only is Metalman the brewers of one of staples but wheat beer is what first brought me away from the macro taps and into the world of craft beer. Surely this review will be a slam dunk of positives so.

Metalman Equinox - a wheat lager that fails to stand out in the craft beer crowd.

The Good.

It is a refreshing drink indeed, with a fruity flavour & lemony tang.  It's sweetness ads to the refreshment and overall lightness of the lager. I wouldn't worry about bloatedness if I was on Equinox for the night.
All these properties are something which can also be found in Metalman's Pale Ale, although to a lesser degree. Despite Equinox being a lager and the other being a beer, one could see Equinox as 'Metalman Light'.

The Bad.

However, I wouldn't want to do that kind of injustice to what is a fabulous light Pale Ale. 
While Metalman have gotten the levels of sweetness just right with their Pale Ale, Equinox is an altogether less enjoyable experience. I may be more of an ale drinker these days - and that is sure to throw some bias into this review - but I tend to steer clear of the heavier options on offer. This is a mantra that I carry over to wheat beers also. I do see myself as a light ale drinker.While I know ales and lagers are as different as apples and oranges Metalman Equinox is far too light for my liking. The sensation I have when ingesting the beer is not dissimilar to what I remember feeling when forcing a pint of Budweiser as a teen. A feeling which I'd rather avoid from now on.
As for the sweetness, I think it's overkill in that department too. I would liken the beers sweetness to that of sparkling wine - which is nor exactly a property you expect when sipping on a wheat beer.

Metalman Equinox - The Verdict.

Being too light for my delicate pallet, suggests that there really shouldn't be much of a market for Equinox. Perhaps, it's Irishness; brewer reputation and nifty design will help them sell some units, but other than being a gate into pale ales for American macro beer drinkers, I fail to see who Equinox actually appeals to.
Perhaps I'm over-looking something here, but overall this drink was a disappointment.

4.5/10 - I would begrudgingly finish a pint of the stuff rather than pour it down the drain; but that's not to say I would take a free Equinox when I could buy something more pleasing on the pallet. 
Price: €2.90 - Molloy's Liquor Store.


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